

Grow your crypto with single-sided staking

This app runs on

Bancor is the first decentralized trading protocol, empowering traders, liquidity providers & developers to participate in an open financial marketplace with no barriers to entry. No one needs permission to use the open-source Bancor Protocol. Bancor is owned and operated by its community as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The Bancor Protocol is governed via a democratic and transparent voting system which allows all stakeholders to get involved and shape Bancor’s future. It’s a new dawn for DeFi. Bancor 3 takes “stake and chill” to a whole new level, and levels the playing field for everyday users seeking safe and sustainable yield.

Things you can do

Here's a few things you can do with this crypto company.
Earn more crypto with your crypto by validating a network
Earn more crypto with crypto
Exchange one crypto for another crypto.